Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Get the smile you deserve.

Resin / Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a common way for an experienced cosmetic dentist to transform many of the things you don’t like about your teeth and smile. At Dental Day, we make transforming your smile and life through porcelain veneers an easy and convenient process.

Porcelain veneers are very thin ceramic shells that are created to your specific dental needs. The porcelain veneers are bonded to the surface of your own teeth to give you a smile that not only looks natural, but feels and functions like your own teeth. They can also fix simple problems like a misshapen tooth or a gap. With regular care, they can give you that confident smile for years to come.

Problems Solved by Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers can be a remedy for many of the most common dental problems that contribute to unattractive smiles. Some of the common dental problems porcelain veneers can resolve are:
  • Discolored or stained teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Worn teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
What to Expect
Porcelain veneers typically require two office visits. After your comprehensive evaluation and consultation, we prepare your teeth for your porcelain veneers. Impressions are taken to custom design your porcelain veneers and sent to a master ceramist at a highly specialized dental lab. While your porcelain veneers are being fabricated, aesthetic and comfortable temporaries will be placed on your teeth. On your second visit, we remove your temporary veneers and then bond your new custom designed porcelain veneers to your natural teeth.


Is There a Difference Between Dentists That Offer Porcelain Veneers?
Most dentists can apply a porcelain veneer, however, the quality of the porcelain veneer and the customization to fit your smile (shape, length, shade, etc.) so that it looks natural can differ from practice to practice. Choosing a dentist who has a lot of experience with designing smiles with porcelain veneers is important, particularly with cases involving multiple teeth and managing bite and functionality.

Dental Crown / Tooth Crown

If you need to restore broken, worn or decayed teeth, fix a misshaped tooth or even cover a severely discolored tooth, a dental crown can offer an attractive, long-lasting solution.
A tooth crown fits over a person’s natural tooth in order to restore the appearance, strength, shape or size of the tooth. Once it has been bonded into place, the crown completely “caps,” or covers the visible part of the natural tooth.

All-Ceramic (Porcelain) Crowns

At Dental Day, we only offer the highest quality, aesthetically-pleasing dental restorative options, and are proud to be a “metal free” practice.

All-ceramic or porcelain crowns offer you the most natural-looking appearance. The porcelain material is translucent (much like the enamel of your natural teeth), and the size, shape and shade can be perfectly matched to your other teeth to complete your perfect smile.

The Dental Crowns Procedure
Two visits are required to place a tooth crown. The first visit involves an examination and the preparation of your tooth. A few x-rays may be taken to determine any decay or damage to the roots. The tooth is then prepared for the crown. Next, an impression will be made of the tooth and the surrounding teeth and sent to our dental lab, where our master ceramist will create your crown based on the dimensions of the impression. The color will be designed to match your natural tooth color. A temporary crown is placed over your tooth to protect it until your permanent crown is ready.
During your second visit, the crown will be tested for proper fit. Also, we closely examine it to ensure it doesn’t interfere with your bite and functions effectively. Provided everything is correct, the new crown is permanently cemented into place.


Reasons for Placing a Dental Crown
The following are some of the reasons a teeth crown may be the right solution for you:
  • To cover a dental implant
  • To cover a severely discolored tooth
  • To cover a misshapen tooth
  • To hold a dental bridge in place
  • To restore a broken or worn tooth
  • To prevent a weakened tooth from further damage or breaking
  • To hold a cracked tooth together
  • To cover and support a significantly decayed tooth or one that is mostly filling

Tooth Bonding

If you have some minor imperfections in your teeth that keep you from smiling, tooth bonding can be an easy and affordable option.

Although teeth bonding can refer to adhering porcelain restorations to your natural tooth (ex. porcelain inlays or veneers), dental bonding is also a dental treatment where a composite resin is applied to the surface of your tooth to cosmetically improve it. Dental bonding can be used to treat both the front and back teeth and comes in many shades so it can precisely match your natural tooth color. Dental bonding can also be done on multiple tooth structures, depending on the nature of the repair and your dentist’s recommendation.

How Dental Bonding Works
Once the surface is prepared, the tooth-colored, putty-like composite material is applied, molded and shaped. Then, a special light or laser cures/hardens the material. After it hardens, your dentist may further trim and shape the material, then polish it to match the rest of the tooth surface.
Tooth Bonding: An Artistic Solution To Repair Various Problems
The process of tooth bonding can be compared to the process an artist uses in sculpting clay. Through the molding and shaping of dental composite resin, we can fix a number of imperfections that stand between you and the perfect smile:
  • Restore a chipped tooth
  • Restore broken tooth
  • Fill a gap between teeth
  • Recolor your teeth
  • Reshape your teeth
  • Give a straighter appearance to crooked teeth
  • Restore decaying teeth
Differences Between Dental Bonding and Porcelain Restorations
Teeth bonding is an effective and affordable treatment for minor repairs, but does not offer the same level of durability or support to surrounding tooth structure like porcelain restorations. For cases where the problem area is larger, needs to withstand more stress, or requires more exact shaping or shading, porcelain restorations are a better and longer-term solution.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

For generations, cavities were the most common problem treated by dentists. Today, simple cavities can be treated and further decay can be stopped with natural looking, tooth-colored fillings. These fillings provide a durable, functional, yet cosmetically-appealing result.

What are Tooth-Colored fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings, or sometimes called composite or white fillings, are made from a composite resin, which is placed in the prepared cavity and then cured/hardened using special lights or lasers. The composite can be colored in different shades so your filling can match your specific tooth color and can conveniently be performed in just one office visit.

Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings

  • Look more natural and aesthetic than earlier metal or amalgam fillings.
  • Today’s new composite fillings’ adhesive requires less tooth structure to be removed in order to bond and secure the filling in place.
  • New composite materials are very durable, and can even strengthen tooth structure.
Metal fillings also expand and contract with heat and cold temperatures. The constant change in temperature with each food you eat slowly weakens the tooth and makes it susceptible to cracking. Tooth colored fillings do not expand and contract with temperature changes and they remain stable.
Metal fillings have a tendency to darken the surrounding tooth over time. Your smile will look darker and be harder to fix with tooth whitening the longer the metal fillings are in place and you may need porcelain veneers to fix the discoloration.  Tooth colored fillings do not alter the color or brightness of your teeth and they help maintain a brighter smile.
Can traditional metal fillings be replaced with tooth colored fillings?

Metal fillings can be replaced with tooth colored fillings.  We recommend that all your old metal fillings be replaced with this healthier option.  Your smile will be healthier and be more aesthetically pleasing with tooth colored fillings.

Tooth-colored fillings are a great solution for many situations. However, for a tooth or teeth with more significant decay and less existing tooth structure, porcelain inlays or onlays or crowns may be recommended.

Teeth Whitening

White teeth are often a good indicator of good health and excellent oral hygiene. Dental Day offers an effective teeth whitening treatment that can be completed in one office visit or spread out over several visits depending on the desired result. There are a couple of options for teeth whitening. You can have your teeth whitened in our dental office or at home with an at-home teeth whitening kit.

The stains on some of your teeth may be too deep in the enamel and dentin for teeth whitening to adequately work.  We offer several other options for beautiful teeth such as veneers and dental bonding.

Teeth Whitening at Our Dental Office

Teeth whitening treatments offered at a dental office are an effective and quick way to whiten and brighten your teeth. This professional whitening option is perfect for anyone with a busy schedule who wishes to have the whitest smile possible in a timely manner.

In-office whitening uses a powerful hydrogen peroxide whitening gel that is applied to each individual tooth to remove difficult stains. The teeth whitening treatment takes a little over an hour with time needed for preparation and application of the gel.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Teeth whitening kits are an alternative to in-office whitening. You can whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home. The kit comes with the whitening gel and custom fit trays that match the contour of your mouth and teeth. The trays need to be worn for 30 minutes each day. A detailed set of instructions accompany the kit and you are more than welcome to contact Dental Day with any questions or for follow-up visits.

Gum Contouring

Are you embarrassed by your smile for reasons other than a problem with your teeth? Instead, you may hate the way your smile is dominated by your gums, regardless if you have bright, white teeth. At Dental Day, we are dedicated to providing you with the perfect smile that you have always dreamed of, and that includes improving your gum line.

About gum contouring:

  • We can treat your gums by using a laser and turn a gummy smile into one that shows off your pearly whites.
  • Your optimal smile should show the least amount of gum tissue, and the way your gums are contoured should be in balance with your upper lip.

Before the development of laser gum treatments, it was very difficult to improve your gum line. Now, Dental Day is able to offer you an alternative to living with a gummy smile. We can reduce and reshape your gums to provide you with a more attractive and contoured smile that you can be proud to show off.

Get the smile you deserve

Don't waste your precious time. Schedule your appointment now.