Frequently Asked Questions

The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.

Education is a key component in achieving and maintaining your dental health. By understanding what procedures are available to you, as well as some of the potential challenges to your dental health, our goal is to help you feel more confident in the selections you make regarding your dental treatment.  Please browse through the following articles to learn more about dental health care issues. As always, we are available to discuss the following information or answer any other questions you may have.

Do you take new patients?

Yes, we are currently accepting new patients and in most cases can see you for a complete exam on the same day.

Do you accept referrals?

We are happy to accept referrals from other dental offices as well as from recommendations by our clients to their family and friends. Your referrals are our greatest compliments!

What is included in a comprehensive exam?

During the comprehensive exam, we will review and discuss your medical history and take your blood pressure. We will then review any specific concerns you may have regarding your teeth and general oral health, including any cosmetic concerns.

We will then examine the head and neck region including the TMJ (jaw joint). This screening exam is done to help identify any possible abnormalities. Then an oral cancer screening is completed. If there are any suspicious lesions or growths, it will be biopsied with a painless brush technique. Finally, the teeth and gums are thoroughly examined by looking in the mouth, looking at x-rays and measuring the gums. All the findings are then discussed with you.

What are your fees?

There is an extensive range of services that we offer, so it is difficult to cover all of the fees that could be involved with your treatment, prior to an exam. Following the initial comprehensive exam, however, we will present a treatment plan covering a general overview of the health of your teeth and the cost of treatment. If you have dental insurance, an estimation on your co-pay will be provided.

How does the doctor keep up-to-date on all of the current techniques and material?

Our doctors subscribe to the latest industry journals to stay current with research and development in the dental industry.  Attending continuing education courses are also of utmost importance to our doctors and dental team.  We make it our responsibility to be familiar with the latest techniques and materials available to ensure that our clients will continue to receive the most advanced and exceptional dentistry available today.

What do I do if I have an emergency when the office is closed?

We are only a phone call away.  If you have a dental situation where you need to speak with us outside of normal business hours, call the office at (813) 820-0071 and you will be given an after hours number where our doctors can be reached.

My gums bleed after I brush. Is this something to be concerned about?

Yes. Bleeding gums are often a sign of periodontal disease, which can cause bone and tooth loss.  Periodontal (gum) disease has also been linked to systemic problems such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

I want my teeth to look better, but I do not want to wear braces. What would you recommend?

There are a number of ways to improve the look of your front teeth without the use of braces.  For slightly crooked or uneven or worn teeth, a bit of reshaping and the addition of porcelain veneers may be sufficient to give them a bright, uniform look.  In more pronounced cases, it may be necessary to fit you with “invisible braces.” Invisalign is the “invisible” way to straighten your teeth without wearing conventional metal braces.  Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable custom-made aligners to move your teeth.  It is a comfortable and effective system that we’ve used successfully with our clients.

We would be happy to talk with you regarding treatment options that best suits your individual situation.

My spouse snores and keeps me up at night. I have heard a dentist might be able to prescribe an appliance that prevents snoring. Can you help?

Snoring is tough on any relationship and can be caused by a number of factors. In some cases, a person may actually stop breathing for short periods during the night, a condition called sleep apnea. In other cases, snoring can be caused by enlarged anatomical structures within the mouth and throat.  During sleep, the throat area allows these structures to collapse against one another and obstruct clear airflow.  In the latter situation, we can prescribe and fit a special appliance, which gently holds the mouth and throat in an open position during relaxed sleep and thus prevents snoring.

How often should I get dental checkups?

For people without any periodontal disease, a check up and cleaning every six months is standard protocol. People who have active periodontal disease or who have been treated, should have a check up and cleaning every three months.

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